Posi-flate执行器工作原理图,Tork-Mate 890系列Posi-flate电动执行机构符合的防爆型标准,允许直接或防爆型的紧耦合设计配件。积极的小齿轮界面特性,标准推动定位器、开关和其他配件。那慕尔的电磁阀接口允许直接接受设计控制阀门。
Tork-Mate 890系列的寿命延长执行机构理想为90°转弯的操作设备如蝶阀、球阀、旋塞阀、阻尼器阀门和其他设备。Tork-Mate气动执行机构特性,是*的,向用户提供很多好处寻找无忧服务。
TMHC 2324
专有两步硬盖过程,提供*的protecion住房内部和外部的表面。TMHC 2324也从活塞密封保证zui长的使用寿命,活塞轴承和脚后跟轴承。
Tork-Mate 890系列Posi-flate电动执行机构特性齿轮停止旅行,允许一个完整+ / -10°阀调整旅行。作为一个选项,可以添加扩展中风调整螺丝为廉价节流应用。
特殊的活塞密封o形环致动器提供极大地扩展的生活相比,标准。所有其他轴承、密封和组件工程提供和延长使用寿命。 Posi-flate执行器工作原理图
除了不锈钢齿轮扣环,Tork-Mate 890系列电动执行机构特性*的内部安全杆。
Double-Acting For clockwise operation, Port 2 (P2) is open to atmosphere and air pressure is directed to Port 1 (P1). As the pistons move apart, the pinion rotates clockwise. The linear movement of the pistons is converted to rotary For counter-clockwise operation, Port 1 is open to atmosphere and air pressure is directed to Port 2. The pressure differential moves the pistons together, rotating the pinion counterclockwise.
| Spring Return For clockwise operation, Port 2 is open to atmosphere and air pressure is directed to Port 1. The air pressure compresses the springs and moves the pistons outward. As the pistons move apart, the pinion rotates clockwise. For counter-clockwise operation, Port 1 is open to atmosphere and air pressure is directed to Port 2. High pressure and/or spring force moves the pistons inward, rotating the pinion counterclockwise. |
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