由Proportion-Air DSB-Series工业压力传感器,Proportion-Air制造DSB-Series工业压力传感器。 是我们提供的标准传感器DSB-Series。 zui初“d”的意思是“下游”来表示一个压力传感器,用于提供电子反馈的输出压力卷助推器一系列QB2 dual-loop比例控制阀。
争端解决机构工业压力传感器测量的无腐蚀性的气体压力的电气输出信号正比于完整的校准范围。例如,0 - 100 PSI校准清廉直流输出会读5 VDC 50 PSI。
这个工业传感器作为独立的传感器或第二循环的反馈在Proportion-Air 2-loop压力控制大会。 打给我们,我们很乐意帮助识别应用程序的*解决方案。
DSB-Series系列Industrial Pressure Transducer
压力范围:真空通过175 PSI(12条)
准确性:±0.2% F.S.
可重复性:±0.02% F.S.
耐用性:受冲击和振动(100 Gs)
操作温度:32 - 158°F(0 - 70°C)
输出信号:电压或电流 DSB系列新品推出Proportion-Air传感器
DS series pressure transducers accuray measure pressure of gases or fluids.
The output is an electrical signal based on the measurement.
Conditioning of the electrical signal from the strain gauge sensor gives either 0-
10 VDC or 4-20 mA output depending on the model ordered (consult factory for
other available outputs). The electrical output is a linear ratio of the pressure
sensed. DS series transducers are enclosed in a rugged aluminum housing. A
strain relief protects the wiring from damage caused by excessive pulling force.
The standard version (DS) measures pressure using a piezo-resistive
semiconductor sensor chip.
The stainless steel version (DST) utilizes the same silicon etched device mounted
on a stainless steel diaphragm. On these units, no elastomers or o-rings contact
the pressurized media. All media wetted parts are ANSI type 316L stainless
The NEMA4 version (DSW series) is electrically identical to the DS series. The
DSW series is housed in a slightly larger canister that is sealed against fluid
spray from any direction.
The compact package (DSL) utilizes a piezo-resistive strain gauge sensor housed
in a miniature rugged anodized aluminum canister. The DSL has a 10-32
pneumatic connection is lightweight with high accuracy and repeatability.